Friday, December 23, 2011


Hey Guys!
I just received Joy's gorgeous little cardigan from the Giveaway. It came so fast!
It was wrapped in this adorable holiday vintage paper. The first thing to come out was a little envelope with my name on it. When I opened it, there was a note card with Joy's blog picture "Wish You Were Here" and on the other side was a little note to me saying congrats, and her oh so amazing signature.
All wrapped up in cute holiday tissue paper was the cardigan. It's so sparkly, soft, and perfect. And it smells so cute, so Joy. Haha, as creepy as that sounds, just be honest here.
Hopefully I can pull it off as well as her ;)
Here are some pictures of opening it..

 And here is me, mid tear, looking absolutely dreadful, but ecstatic! Definitely happy sobbed after that!

More to come when I actually wear it.
                                                                       xoxo Bailey Rae